.. meta:: :description: pythondialog's documentation :keywords: pythondialog, Python, dialog, ncurses, Xdialog, terminal-based interface, text-mode interface, manual ################### pythondialog Manual ################### .. module:: dialog :synopsis: A Python interface to the UNIX dialog utility and mostly-compatible programs :platform: Unix .. codeauthor:: Florent Rougon .. codeauthor:: Robb Shecter .. codeauthor:: Peter Åstrand .. codeauthor:: Sultanbek Tezadov .. sectionauthor:: Florent Rougon This manual documents pythondialog_, a Python wrapper for the dialog_ utility originally written by Savio Lam, and later rewritten by Thomas E. Dickey. Its purpose is to provide an easy to use, pythonic and comprehensive Python interface to :program:`dialog`. This allows one to make simple text-mode user interfaces on Unix-like systems. .. _pythondialog: https://pythondialog.sourceforge.io/ .. _dialog: https://invisible-island.net/dialog/dialog.html pythondialog's functionality is contained within the :mod:`dialog` Python module. This module doesn't contain much Unix-specific code, if any; however, its backend of reference, which is the :program:`dialog` program, only works on Unix-like platforms so far as I can tell. Given a suitable backend, the :mod:`dialog` module could work on other platforms. ************* Main Contents ************* .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 intro/intro Dialog_class_overview widgets DialogBackendVersion exceptions internals .. reference .. Either this, or use the “orphan” metadata since I don't want the glossary .. to appear in the table of contents. .. toctree:: :hidden: glossary ********** Appendices ********** * :ref:`glossary` * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`search`